вторник, 7 декември 2010 г.

A REAL job after 3.5 years. -Pathetic? --Maybe. -Happy? --Yes!

I think I just got a REAL job.

I start the day after tomorrow.

Could've started right away but said I had some things to take care of tomorrow. Which is essentially true because I need a couple of days to psychologically prepare myself. I know it sounds retarded to many people but I'm sure in fact a lot of people would need and benefit from this kind of mental preparation before they dive into a new job.

I haven't had a REAL job since June 2007. Today is December 2010. You do the math (well I think I just did the math in the title so never mind).
I had a semi-real job from November 2007 to April 2008 when I worked full-time MWF which equated to a regular part-time job as a front desk receptionist. During that time I hated my life, cried every night (and sometimes during the day in the restroom at work), failed a class, and had major back problems. 

I had another semi-real job from April 2008 to June 2008. I was an intern at a well-established organization, working 4 hours a day 5 days a week. During that time I didn't hate my life - in fact I even had fun - but the internship was over before I knew it and later when I graduated they didn't want to hire me anymore - because they were downsizing, they said, but in truth because I didn't impress them enough (or at all, except maybe with my passivity and being 10 minutes late every day) when I had the chance. 

I focused on successfully finishing my master's between June 2008 and November 2008, while my fellow students were working full-time jobs AND attending 3-hour long evening classes. 
I decided I'd give myself a "well-deserved" break in December 2008. I partied, spent my last savings, fell in love, spent Christmas in Miami. 
2009 and 2010 are a blur I still can't comprehend. So many "why"s and "what happened"s. The main things I can think of when I think about 2009 and 2010 are my laptop, many TV shows, a warm room, a cold house, low energy levels (don't like the word "depression"), and poverty. The second line of things include random jobs that hardly helped paying some bills, worrying about credit cards and loans, financially depending on my mom, adjusting to life in my homeland where I came back after living abroad for 7 years, real estate issues (still unresolved), my parents' health. On the third line there are more pleasant things such as making new friends, getting out of the low-energy-state and actually starting to care about having a nice haircut and wearing decent clothes instead of dragging my raggy ass around as if I'm a homeless person.
So I start this REAL job on Thursday. You know I'm all about the vibe and the people and this place has a good vibe and so do the people. I have many fears. Mostly related to getting along with the others. But this is the topic of another post. For now I'm off taking care of things I'd like to take care of before I start being busy all day long. Because having a REAL job for me is kind of like not having time for ANYTHING else. I wish I was one of those multi-tasking, super energetic machine-like people. But I'm not. So I have to do with what I have. 

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